Dental Bridges in Antalya | Tooth Replacement Using Bridging

Dental Bridges in Antalya


Dental Bridges in Turkey

Dental bridges are a type of dental restoration used to replace one or more missing teeth. A dental bridge consists of one or more artificial teeth, called pontics, that are held in place by dental crowns attached to the natural teeth on either side of the gap. The pontics can be made from a variety of materials, including porcelain, ceramic, or metal alloys, and are custom-made to match the color and shape of the patient’s natural teeth. Having your dental bridges in Antalya could save you up to %70.

Process of Dental Bridges in Antalya

The process of getting dental bridges in Antalya typically involves several steps. First, the dentist will examine the patient’s teeth and gums to determine if a bridge is the best treatment option. If a bridge is recommended, the dentist will prepare the abutment teeth (the teeth on either side of the gap) by removing a small amount of tooth enamel to make room for the crowns that will hold the bridge in place.

Next, the dentist will take impressions of the patient’s teeth, which will be used to create a custom bridge in a dental laboratory. In the meantime, the patient may be fitted with a temporary bridge to protect the abutment teeth and maintain the proper spacing. Once the custom bridge is ready, the patient will return to the dentist’s office to have it installed. The dentist will check the fit and make any necessary adjustments before cementing the bridge in place.

With proper care and maintenance, dental bridges in Antalya can last for many years, providing a natural-looking and functional solution for missing teeth. Regular dental checkups and cleanings, along with good oral hygiene habits at home, can help ensure the longevity of the bridge and maintain the health of the surrounding teeth and gums.

Dental Bridges

Materials of Dental Bridges

Dental bridges can be made from a variety of materials, including the following.

Porcelain or Ceramic

These materials are often used for pontics (artificial teeth) because they can be made to closely resemble the color and texture of natural teeth. Porcelain or ceramic dental bridges are a common type of dental bridge. These bridges are made from a material that closely resembles the color and texture of natural teeth, making them a popular choice for front teeth or apparent areas of the mouth. Porcelain or ceramic dental bridges in Antalya are typically made in a dental laboratory using a mold of the patient’s teeth. The dentist will choose a shade of porcelain that matches the patient’s natural teeth and create the bridge using computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology. The bridge is then bonded to the abutment teeth (the teeth on either side of the gap) using a strong dental adhesive.

One advantage of porcelain or ceramic bridges is that they are highly durable and can last for many years with proper care. However, they can be more brittle than other types of dental bridges, so patients should avoid biting down on hard objects or using their teeth to open packages.

Metal Alloys

Metal alloy dental bridges are another type of dental bridge that is commonly used to replace missing teeth. These bridges are made from a combination of metals, such as gold, silver, and nickel, and are known for their strength and durability. One advantage of metal alloy bridges is that they are less brittle than porcelain or ceramic bridges, which makes them less prone to cracking or breaking. They are also less likely to wear down over time, making them a good choice for patients who grind or clench their teeth.

One downside of metal alloy bridges is that they may not be as aesthetically pleasing as porcelain or ceramic bridges. The metal may be visible in the mouth, which can be a concern for some patients. However, some patients may prefer the look of a metal bridge, primarily if it is located in the back of the mouth where it is less visible. Overall, metal alloy dental bridges are a good choice for patients who want a strong and durable solution for missing teeth. Your dentist can help you determine if a metal alloy bridge is the right choice for your specific needs.


Zirconia is a relatively new material that is becoming increasingly popular for dental bridges in Antalya. It is a type of ceramic material that is extremely strong and durable, making it an excellent choice for dental restorations. One advantage of zirconia dental bridges is that they can be made to closely resemble the color and texture of natural teeth. This makes them a good choice for patients who want a natural-looking restoration that blends in seamlessly with their existing teeth. Another advantage of zirconia bridges is that they are highly resistant to chipping and cracking. This makes them a good choice for patients who have a history of grinding or clenching their teeth.

Zirconia bridges are typically made using computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology, which allows for a high degree of precision and accuracy in the manufacturing process. The bridges are custom-made to fit the patient’s mouth and are bonded to the abutment teeth using a strong dental adhesive. Overall, zirconia dental bridges are a good choice for patients who want a substantial, durable, and natural-looking restoration for missing teeth. Your dentist can help you determine if a zirconia bridge is the right choice for your specific needs.

Medgol Medical Tourism Center; Dental Bridges

Dental bridge operations are commonly performed in Antalya by qualified dentists and dental specialists. Turkey has become a popular destination for dental tourism due to the high quality of care, affordable prices, and advanced technology used by dental clinics and hospitals. The process of getting a dental bridge in Antalya is similar to getting one in other countries. The dentist will begin by evaluating the patient’s oral health and determining if a dental bridge is the best option for replacing missing teeth. If a dental bridge is recommended, the dentist will take impressions of the patient’s teeth and send them to a dental laboratory to create the bridge.

Once the bridge is ready, the patient will return to the dentist’s office for the placement procedure. The dentist will prepare the abutment teeth by removing a small amount of enamel to make room for the bridge. The bridge will be carefully placed and secured to the abutment teeth using a strong dental adhesive. After the procedure, the patient will receive instructions on how to care for their new bridge and maintain good oral hygiene. Follow-up appointments may be necessary to ensure that the bridge is functioning properly and to make any necessary adjustments. We at Medgol Medical Tourism Center are here to help you to get your dental bridges at the highest quality possible at the lowest cost.

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