Facelift Surgery in Antalya, Turkey

Facelift in Antalya



Facelift in Turkey

A facial aesthetic is a procedure designed to make a person’s face look like it has undergone more current work. Depending on the patient’s demands, procedures – in Antalya’s best clinics – might be exceedingly invasive or less invasive. Surgery may be used to perform targeted operations, face remodeling, and skin modifications, all of which can assist in restoring facial symmetry. Localized face concerns like wrinkles, skin laxity, hyperpigmentation, and scars may be treated with non-surgical techniques like a facelift in Antalya. These techniques may target specific face components at different depths. Facelift in Antalya is the first technique that springs to mind when considering cosmetic facial procedures. 

Turkey, known for its rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture, has now also become a top destination for those seeking the fountain of youth through cosmetic surgery. Facelift as it is known in Turkish, has gained immense popularity in this transcontinental country, and for good reason.

The Appeal of a Turkish Facelift:

  1. World-Class Medical Facilities: Turkey boasts a robust healthcare infrastructure with state-of-the-art facilities and skilled medical professionals. Many hospitals and clinics are accredited by international organizations, ensuring high standards of care.
  2. Experienced Surgeons: Turkish plastic surgeons are renowned for their expertise and experience in cosmetic procedures, including facelifts. They often undergo rigorous training and stay updated with the latest surgical techniques.
  3. Cost-Effective Procedures: One of the primary attractions of getting a facelift in Turkey is the affordability. The cost of the procedure in Turkey is significantly lower compared to Western countries, without compromising on quality.

Who Are The Best Candidates for a Facelift in Antalya

The best candidates for a facelift in Antalya are healthy individuals who are 35 to 40 years old and have aging signs on their faces. Facelifting will still be effective in your 70s, although the skin’s decreased suppleness may limit the results. The operating room is the only place where face and neck lifts may be performed safely. Remember to make arrangements for someone to accompany you to the hospital after the surgery. Other examples of facial aesthetics in Antalya – outside of facelifts – include brow lifts, eyelid surgeries, rhinoplasty, canthoplasty, and buccal fat removal. The best candidates for a facelift in Antalya are:

  • Individuals who want to improve one or more of the indications of aging listed above are the target audience for this procedure
  • Those individuals who have high elasticity in their facial skin
  • Who are interested in enhancing the look of their face and neck
  • One who has a sufficient level of health and does not smoke (or can stop smoking for a while)
Facelift in Antalya

Why People Choose Antalya for A Facelift

In Antalya, a facelift is one of today’s most well-known and regarded restorative procedures. A facelift in Antalya is routinely carried out on a sizable number of people who come from other countries to Turkey. The main goal of this medical procedure is to make the skin on your face seem younger and smoother. Nowadays, the main factors contributing to skin aging include pollution, stress, sun exposure, and a lack of downtime.

These factors may significantly worsen having an aged face. But hospitals and cosmetic clinics may help you rejuvenate your face so that it seems younger and more attractive following the change.  Thanks to the best and most up-to-date technology as well as the best experts who have undergone exceptional training, we at Medgol Medical Tourism Center can help you feel better and look fantastic. 

Spending anything from USD 3,500 to just over USD 5,000 on a facelift procedure in Antalya is conceivable. This is the question that is now occupying everyone’s mind. Why is a facelift so much less expensive in Antalya, Turkey? This is for a variety of very significant reasons. Our medical facilities are typical of the finest quality. The expenses are frequently one-third of what they would be in the United States or Europe. The medical staff has developed specific abilities in a range of cosmetic procedures. Our website leads you to a gallery where you can see before and after pictures of patients who had a facelift in Antalya with our assistance.

The Facelift Procedure steps

As time marches on, many of us yearn to turn back the clock and recapture the youthful contours of our face. Enter the facelift, a cosmetic surgical procedure that has been a beacon of hope for those seeking to combat the signs of aging. Let’s embark on a journey through the facelift procedure, unveiling the steps that can help you regain your youthful allure.

Step 1: The Consultation

The facelift journey commences with a crucial step: the consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. During this initial meeting, you and your surgeon will discuss your goals, expectations, and medical history. This conversation is pivotal in determining the best approach to achieve the desired results. Your surgeon will evaluate your facial structure, skin elasticity, and the extent of aging signs to create a personalized surgical plan.

Step 2: Anesthesia

On the day of the procedure, you will be comfortably situated in the surgical suite. Most facelifts are performed under either local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia, depending on the complexity of the surgery and your comfort level. Your surgeon will recommend the best suitable option for you.

Step 3: The Incisions

With anesthesia administered, the surgeon will create incisions strategically placed to minimize visible scarring. These incisions typically start at the hairline near the temples, extend around the ear’s natural contour, and sometimes reach into the lower scalp or along the jawline. The incision pattern is designed to ensure optimal access to the underlying tissues.

Step 4: Tissue Repositioning

The magic of the facelift lies in the repositioning of facial tissues. The surgeon skillfully lifts and repositions the underlying muscles and fat to restore a more youthful contour. This step addresses common signs of aging, such as sagging skin, wrinkles, jowls, and loss of muscle tone. It’s like a sculptor reshaping the canvas of your face.

Step 5: Excess Skin Removal

In some cases, excess skin may be removed to achieve a smoother, more youthful appearance. The surgeon trims away any redundant skin, ensuring that the final result looks natural and not overly tight.

Step 6: Closure

Once the desired improvements are made, the incisions are meticulously closed with sutures or staples. The surgeon takes great care to ensure that the incisions are well-hidden within the natural contours of the face and hairline.

Step 7: Recovery

Following the facelift, you’ll be moved to a recovery area, where you will be monitored as you wake from anesthesia. Some swelling and bruising are common, but these side effects gradually subside over the following weeks. You’ll receive post-operative instructions from your surgeon to aid in a smooth recovery.

Step 8: Enjoying the Results

As you heal, you’ll begin to see the remarkable transformation taking place. The youthful contours of your face will re-emerge, and you’ll witness a rejuvenated appearance. The results of a facelift can last for many years, although the aging process will continue. Nonetheless, the procedure can set the clock back significantly, helping you look and feel more youthful.


Different Types of Facelift Procedure In Antalya

The pursuit of youthful, rejuvenated beauty has led to remarkable advancements in cosmetic surgery, and facelift procedures are no exception. Modern medicine offers a range of facelift techniques tailored to address various aging concerns. Let’s embark on a journey through the diverse world of facelift surgeries and discover the unique qualities of each.

Traditional Facelift (Full Facelift):

Procedure Overview: The traditional facelift is the most comprehensive option. It addresses sagging skin, wrinkles, jowls, and other signs of aging in the face and neck.

Technique: An incision typically starts at the hairline near the temples, extends around the ear’s natural contour, and may reach into the lower scalp. The surgeon repositions and tightens underlying tissues, removes excess skin, and closes the incisions.

Best Suited For: Individuals with advanced signs of aging seeking comprehensive rejuvenation.

Mini Facelift (S-Lift):

Procedure Overview: The mini facelift is a less invasive option designed to target mild to moderate signs of aging in the lower face and neck.

Technique: Smaller incisions are made, usually around the ear and extending slightly behind it. This procedure focuses on lifting and tightening the midface and jowls.

Best Suited For: Those with early signs of aging or those seeking a quicker recovery.

Neck Lift:

Procedure Overview: The neck lift focuses exclusively on rejuvenating the neck area, eliminating sagging skin, excess fat, and the appearance of “turkey neck.”

Technique: Incisions are typically made under the chin or behind the ears, and the surgeon tightens the neck muscles and removes excess skin and fat.

Best Suited For: Those with prominent signs of aging in the neck region.

SMAS Facelift:

Procedure Overview: The SMAS (Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System) facelift combines muscle and skin tightening for more comprehensive results.

Technique: It involves repositioning the SMAS layer, a deep facial tissue layer, in addition to removing excess skin. This technique can provide longer-lasting results.

Best Suited For: Individuals with moderate to severe facial sagging.

Thread Lift (Suture Lift):

Procedure Overview: A thread lift is a minimally invasive procedure using dissolvable sutures with barbs to lift and support sagging facial tissues.

Technique: Tiny incisions are made, and threads are inserted under the skin. The threads are then gently pulled to lift and reposition the tissues.

Best Suited For: Individuals with mild sagging who desire a less invasive option.

Liquid Facelift:

Procedure Overview: The liquid facelift is a non-surgical approach using dermal fillers and injectables to restore volume and reduce wrinkles.

Technique: Various dermal fillers, such as hyaluronic acid or collagen-stimulating injectables, are strategically injected into targeted areas of the face to create a youthful, lifted appearance.

Best Suited For: Those looking for a non-surgical, temporary solution to age-related volume loss.


Procedure Overview: A mid-facelift, or cheek lift, concentrates on lifting and rejuvenating the middle part of the face, addressing sagging cheeks and nasolabial folds.

Technique: Incisions are made near the lower eyelids or within the mouth, allowing the surgeon to lift and reposition the underlying cheek fat pad.

Best Suited For: Individuals with midface sagging or hollowing.

Medgol Medical Tourism Center; Facelift in Antalya

A combination of specialist medical expertise, cutting-edge technology, and attentive, compassionate care is needed to provide excellent clinical outcomes. We provide patients access to healthcare at the Medgol Medical Tourism Center, which is on par with the finest in the world. Travel to and from the airport and accommodations in top hotels near our medical facilities (hospitals and clinics) are included in our special facelift packages. These are just a few examples of the particular arrangements we are making for our international patients.

facelift in turkey

Preparation Before the Facelift

Before the skilled hands of a plastic surgeon work their magic, a canvas must be prepared. Preparing for a facelift is a vital step to ensure a successful procedure and optimal results.

Choose a Board-Certified Surgeon

Selecting the right surgeon is paramount. Seek a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in facelift procedures. Research their credentials, read reviews, and schedule a consultation to discuss your goals.


Communication is Key

During the consultation, openly communicate your goals, concerns, and medical history with your surgeon. Be prepared to discuss any medications, allergies, or pre-existing conditions. Your surgeon will assess your facial structure and develop a personalized surgical plan.


Follow Pre-Op Instructions

Your surgeon will provide a set of pre-operative instructions. This may include ceasing certain medications, avoiding smoking, and refraining from alcohol consumption. Follow these guidelines diligently to minimize risks.


Arrange Support

Arrange for a trusted friend or family member to assist you post-surgery. You may need transportation to and from the surgical facility and help with daily tasks during your initial recovery.

Recovery after the Facelift

Stock your home with necessary supplies like ice packs, soft foods, and prescribed medications. Create a comfortable recovery space with ample pillows and entertainment to keep you relaxed.

The post-facelift recovery phase is a time for nurturing and patience. While the canvas transforms into a masterpiece, here’s what you can expect:

Immediate Recovery

After the procedure, you’ll spend time in a recovery area, closely monitored as you awaken from anesthesia. Some initial discomfort, swelling, and bruising are normal.

Rest and Relaxation

Rest is crucial. You’ll be advised to keep your head elevated to minimize swelling. Avoid strenuous activities and follow your surgeon’s recommendations regarding movement and facial care.

Manage Discomfort

Your surgeon will prescribe pain medications to manage any discomfort. Over-the-counter pain relievers should be avoided unless approved by your surgeon.

Swelling and Bruising

Swelling and bruising are common after a facelift and typically peak within the first few days. Cold compresses and arnica gel can help reduce these effects.

Stitches and Dressings

Your surgeon will provide guidance on when stitches and dressings should be removed. This usually occurs within the first week.

Returning to Normal Activities

Most patients can return to light activities within a week or two, but it may take several weeks for swelling to fully subside. Strenuous exercise should be avoided for several weeks.

Follow-Up Appointments

Regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon are essential to monitor your progress and address any concerns.

Long-Term Care

Protect your investment by practicing good skincare and using sun protection regularly. A facelift’s results can last for years, but the aging process will continue, so a good skincare routine is vital.

facelift in antalya


In Antalya, a facelift is one of today’s most well-known and regarded restorative procedures. A facelift in Antalya is routinely carried out on a sizable number of people who come from other countries to Turkey. The main goal of this medical procedure is to make the skin on your face seem younger and smoother. Nowadays, the main factors contributing to skin aging include pollution, stress, sun exposure, and a lack of downtime.

These factors may significantly worsen having an aged face. But hospitals and cosmetic clinics may help you rejuvenate your face so that it seems younger and more attractive following the change.  Thanks to the best and most up-to-date technology as well as the best experts who have undergone exceptional training, we at Medgol Medical Tourism Center can help you feel better and look fantastic. 

Spending anything from USD 3,500 to just over USD 5,000 on a facelift procedure in Antalya is conceivable. This is the question that is now occupying everyone’s mind. Why is a facelift so much less expensive in Antalya, Turkey? This is for a variety of very significant reasons. Our medical facilities are typical of the finest quality. The expenses are frequently one-third of what they would be in the United States or Europe. The medical staff has developed specific abilities in a range of cosmetic procedures. Our website leads you to a gallery where you can see before and after pictures of patients who had a facelift in Antalya with our assistance.

FAQs about facelift in Turkey

Answer: Facelift procedures in Turkey are often more cost-effective compared to many Western countries. The cost savings can be significant, making Turkey an attractive destination for individuals seeking high-quality cosmetic surgery at a lower price point. However, the exact cost can vary depending on the specific procedure, the surgeon’s experience, and the location of the clinic.

Answer: The recovery time for a facelift in Turkey is similar to that in other countries. Generally, patients can expect some initial swelling and bruising, which typically peak within the first few days and gradually subside over several weeks. Most individuals can return to light activities within a week or two, but it may take several weeks for the full results to become apparent. Strenuous exercise should be avoided for several weeks following the procedure.

Answer: Turkey has a well-established medical tourism industry, and many plastic surgeons in the country are highly qualified and experienced. It is essential, however, to thoroughly research and choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with a track record of successful facelift procedures. Additionally, ensure that the facility where the surgery will be performed is accredited and meets international standards for safety and hygiene.

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