Phalloplasty in Antalya | Surgical Procedure for Penis Construction

Phalloplasty in Antalya


Price list of Phalloplasty in Antalya

Examination€ 150
Penis Enlargement€ 3,500
Premature Ejaculation€ 1,500
Hardening Problem€ 2,000
Vasectomy€ 4,000
Circumcision€ 1,500
Varicocele€ 3,000
P Shot€ 500

Phalloplasty in Turkey

Phalloplasty is a surgical procedure for constructing or reconstructing a penis, typically for individuals born without one or who have undergone penile amputation due to injury or illness. The procedure involves using skin grafts, tissue flaps, or implants to create a functional and aesthetically pleasing penis. The surgery is complex and typically requires multiple stages over several months to achieve the desired results. Phalloplasty in Antalya is a significant procedure and requires careful consideration, evaluation, and consultation with a qualified and experienced surgeon.

Phalloplasty in Antalya

Surgery named phalloplasty is necessary for individuals who have undergone penile amputation due to injury or illness, such as cancer or trauma, and who wish to have a reconstructed penis. Additionally, some individuals may be born without a penis or with a severely underdeveloped one and may choose to undergo phalloplasty in Antalya to achieve a more typical male genitalia appearance. However, it’s important to note that phalloplasty is a complex and significant surgical procedure and should only be considered after careful evaluation and consultation with a qualified and experienced surgeon. The decision to undergo phalloplasty is personal and should be made after considering all of the potential risks, benefits, alternatives, and one’s own goals and priorities.

Phalloplasty in Antalya

Methods of Phalloplasty for Men

Phalloplasty involves constructing a penis for transgender or cisgender men with congenital abnormalities or injuries. There are different methods of phalloplasty, each with its advantages and disadvantages. The three main methods of phalloplasty in Antalya are:

  1. Radial Forearm Phalloplasty (RFFP): This is the most common method of phalloplasty. It involves taking skin, nerves, and blood vessels from the forearm to create the penis. The donor site is closed with a skin graft. The advantages of this method include good penile sensation and the ability to achieve an erection. The disadvantages include a visible scar on the forearm and a risk of loss of sensation in the hand
  2. Anterolateral Thigh Phalloplasty (ALT): This method involves taking skin, fat, and muscle from the thigh to create the penis. The donor site is closed with a skin graft. The advantages of this method include minimal scarring and the ability to achieve an erection. The disadvantages include the risk of injury to the femoral nerve and a higher risk of complications than with RFFP
  3. Abdominal Phalloplasty involves taking skin and fat from the abdomen to create the penis. The advantages of this method include minimal scarring and the ability to achieve an erection. The disadvantages include a risk of loss of sensation in the abdomen and a longer recovery time than with RFFP or ALT

Restrictions After Phalloplasty

After phalloplasty, there are several restrictions that patients must follow to ensure proper healing and avoid complications. The restrictions may vary depending on the surgical technique used, the patient’s overall health, and the surgeon’s recommendations. Here are some general restrictions that are often recommended after phalloplasty:

  • Avoiding strenuous activities: Patients are usually advised to avoid any activities that may put a strain on the surgical site, such as heavy lifting, running, or engaging in sexual activities for at least six weeks after surgery
  • Keeping the surgical site clean and dry: Patients are instructed to keep the surgical site clean and dry to prevent infections. They may need to avoid taking baths or swimming for a few weeks after surgery
  • Wearing compression garments: Patients may need to wear compression garments to reduce swelling and promote healing. These garments are usually worn for several weeks after surgery
  • Taking medications: Patients may need to take pain medications and antibiotics to manage pain and prevent infections
  • Following a specific diet: Patients may be advised to follow a specific diet to aid in the healing process and promote healthy recovery

Cost and Benefits of Phalloplasty in Antalya

The cost and benefits of phalloplasty in Antalya, Turkey, can vary depending on the surgical technique used, the surgeon’s experience, and the patient’s needs. Generally, phalloplasty in Antalya can cost between $12,000 and $20,000, significantly lower than in other countries, such as the United States. Benefits of having phalloplasty in Antalya include:

  • Cost: The cost of phalloplasty in Antalya is relatively lower than in other countries, making it a more affordable option for many patients
  • Experienced surgeons: Antalya has several experienced and qualified surgeons who specialize in phalloplasty procedures
  • Quality healthcare facilities: Antalya has several healthcare facilities that provide high-quality care and modern equipment
  • Travel opportunities: Antalya is a beautiful city with rich cultural and historical attractions, providing an opportunity for patients to enjoy a relaxing and enjoyable recovery period

Medgol Medical Tourism Center; Phalloplasty for Men

Antalya has become a popular destination for medical tourism due to its modern healthcare facilities, experienced medical professionals, and affordable prices. Antalya’s well-developed healthcare system provides high-quality medical care to local and international patients. We know you are looking for a quality, affordable healthcare option that your insurance could cover. But, we are also aware that “medical tourism” often causes patients to worry about the quality of the treatment they will get. As a result, the Medgol Medical Tourism Center is dedicated to offering you personalized care, high-quality medical care, and patient safety.

In Antalya, we are the health provider with the highest overall rating for the quality and cost of our medical care. The top-notch medical center Medgol is a member of Turkey’s Healthcare Network and is one of its affiliates. Our company is focused on the needs of our patients, much like other top health tourism clinics.

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