Reasons Not To Perform A Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric surgery in antalya is performed on obese patients so that they can reach their ideal weight. This is done by making changes in the digestive system. The term bariatric surgery can be used to describe a variety of weight loss surgeries such as gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, mini gastric bypass, and other bariatric surgeries, all of which are performed by experienced surgeons in Antalya. You may be tempted to perform bariatric surgery, but are you a good candidate? In this article, we are going to discuss the reasons why it is better for some patients not to have bariatric surgery.
What Is The Reason You Should Not Have Bariatric Surgery?
bariatric surgery is an important surgery and is often performed after a person has tried to lose weight through a healthy diet and exercise, and has not received the desired result. Bariatric surgery is performed when diet and exercise are not effective.
This surgery is not suitable for all people who are severely overweight. To be eligible for bariatric surgery, you may need to meet certain medical guidelines, and there may be a screening process to determine if you are eligible for bariatric surgery. In general, bariatric surgery may not be an option for you if:
- You are not severely obese or your body mass index is less than 40
- You are obese and have a BMI between 35 and 39.9, but you do not have a serious weight-related health problem, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or sleep apnea
- Your BMI is between 30 and 34, but you don’t have weight-related health problems
Who Should Not Have Weight-Loss Surgery?
You’ll have a medical exam to diagnose any unknown obesity-related conditions. Your doctor also will test for problems that could make surgery more complicated. Of course, if the patient follows all the doctor’s instructions, it is likely that he will not suffer from these complications, and the probability of the mentioned problems is very low. However, the benefits of weight loss surgery are much more than its possible complications, which patients should definitely consider in their decision. You’ll likely not be able to have surgery if you have these conditions:
- Blood-clotting disorders
- Severe heart disease that prohibits the safe use of anesthesia
- Other conditions that increase the risk of using anesthesia
Is Bariatric Surgery Worth The Risk?
About 15 to 20 years ago, weight loss surgery could be dangerous because the patient did not know what to expect after the surgery. At that time, weight loss surgeries were not carefully examined and patients did not have any information about diet after weight loss surgery, dos and don’ts, and necessary procedures. There was not even access to the Internet so people could face a world of information with one click.
Yes, in those years, weight loss surgery may have been considered a risk, but today, despite the latest methods of weight loss surgery and conducting extensive studies in this regard, this operation has become a lifesaver for many people in the world, and its risks have been substantially reduced.
In general, much of your success in bariatric surgery depends on yourself. But choosing a slimming surgeon also has a great impact on the success rate of the operation and reducing the risks of bariatric surgery.
One of the honors of Antalya doctors, who are among the best slimming surgeons, is that all the surgeries they have performed have been successful and their patients have experienced minimal complications. You should have realistic expectations from weight loss surgery and make every effort to change past bad eating habits.
How Is Bariatric Surgery Performed?
Bariatric surgery is usually performed in a hospital. This surgery is performed under general anesthesia and the patient does not feel pain during the procedure. One of the methods of performing this bariatric surgery is using a laparoscope. A laparoscope is a tube that has a camera and displays the obtained image on a monitor for the doctor. The laparoscope enters the abdomen through small incisions.
Bariatric surgery usually lasts several hours. Most of the time, you will be hospitalized for one to two days after bariatric surgery. But you may be under the supervision of doctors in the hospital for 5-7 days after bariatric surgery. They will monitor your vital signs and take the necessary care to ensure that you can be discharged safely.
Should I Have Bariatric Surgery Or Not?
This question arises for everyone, are these types of operations dangerous? In answer to this question, I must say that the risks of bariatric surgery are different according to the type of surgery. Each surgery carries risks.
Bariatric surgery may also carry risks. Of course, the possibility of their occurrence is very, very unlikely. Of course, these risks may not be premature and show themselves after the passage of time. But if you perform this surgery under the supervision of the best doctors in Antalya, you will experience the least risks.
If the person is operated on by inexperienced doctors, he may suffer some complications such as the formation of blood clots in the body. Or the patient may suffer from respiratory and lung disorders.
In some cases, after bariatric surgery, the patient may have continuous bleeding. Persistent infections are another risk caused by the operation. On the other hand, bariatric surgery has advantages, among which the following can be mentioned:
- It produces significant long-term weight loss (60% to 80% excess weight loss)
- It limits the amount of food that can be consumed
- It may lead to conditions that increase energy consumption
- There are favorable changes in intestinal hormones that cause satiety
- Gastric bypass is one of the newest methods of treating type 2 diabetes
The Reason To Have Or Not Have Weight Loss Surgery Is What Matters
Bariatric surgery is a method for weight loss. Usually, those who do slimming operations cannot lose weight through diet and exercise. This is why these types of actions are called miraculous actions.
If you are a good candidate for bariatric surgery, Medgol medical tourism services can help you. We will help you to visit the best specialists in this city while staying and enjoying Antalya to make sure you are a suitable candidate for slimming surgery, or if there are reasons why you should not have bariatric surgery.