How Is Gastric Balloon Performed in Antalya? | A Complete Guide

Gastric Balloon: An Operation Performed for Weight Loss

One of the well-known ways to lose weight is to insert a gastric balloon because this method is not considered surgery. The advantages of this procedure in addition to its low cost are that the patient does not become unconscious and it is performed only with the endoscopy, which takes 30 minutes. Antalya is one of the most important tourist centers in the world, where all kinds of slimming procedures, including gastric balloon surgery in antalya, are performed by expert doctors. In this article, we are going to answer the question, how is the gastric balloon performed in Antalya?

gastric balloon performed in Antalya

Why Balloon in Turkey?

In recent years, Turkey has become a center of medical tourism. One reason for this is Turkey’s tourist attractions, another is the reasonable costs in this country compared to other parts of the world. We should also mention the knowledgeable and experienced doctors and medical team who have gathered from all over the world in Turkey and especially in the city of Antalya. People come to this country to meet their medical needs safely while traveling in this country.

See also
The Gastric Balloon | Its Cost Against Other Slimming Methods

The Cost of Traveling to Antalya for Performing Balloon Surgery

Traveling is important, especially foreign travel such as traveling to Turkey. You should know in advance what expenses to consider before traveling and have a plan for buying tickets and booking hotels. The cost of traveling to Turkey depends on many factors including what vehicle you travel with and where you stay, how much you shop, or what restaurant you eat at. However, having enough information before the trip will help you experience a better trip.

Gastric Balloon in antalya

Turkey has many options for tourists to stay. The number of hotels in this country is very large and this makes the selection process a little difficult. The first thing you should do in such a situation is to consider your budget for the cost of traveling to Turkey and the amount you prefer to spend on the hotel.

Sometimes the trouble of getting tickets and booking a hotel is too much and you don’t have enough time and patience to do these things. In this situation, you can easily solve all the problems and experience a comfortable and pleasant trip by buying a Turkey tour. Medgol helps you book a dream journey to Turkey safely.

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Gastric Balloon Pros and Cons | Best Clinics in Antalya

Advantages of Performing Gastric Ballooning in Antalya

Each bariatric surgery in antalya has its own pros and cons, but there are no complications or disadvantages for balloon placement in the stomach. In fact, any qualified person can easily place a balloon in their stomach.

There are different types of balloons, but the working mechanism of all of them is similar. A balloon occupies a large part of a person’s stomach. In this way, little space is left for the food consumed by the person and he feels full earlier than usual. Also, the balloon in the stomach makes food stay longer in the stomach. In this case, because food leaves the stomach slowly and later, the person feels hungry later.

A person who wants to try a gastric balloon must have a body mass index above 30. Note that people with a body mass index above 30 to 50 usually choose other slimming methods such as gastric sleeve and gastric bypass. But if for any reason (such as having diabetes) they cannot perform gastric sleeve and gastric bypass, they can easily perform ballooning in the stomach and benefit from its advantages.

gastric balloon performed in Antalya

We advise you to consult a specialist doctor in Antalya with the help of Medgol medical tourism services to choose the right method for losing weight. Among other benefits of the gastric balloon, the following can be mentioned:

  • With this method, you can quickly reach the ideal weight and it is an effective way to lose weight
  • By performing a gastric balloon, the anatomy of the stomach is preserved and the stomach is not harmed
  • With the balloon placed in the stomach, you eat less food at each meal and feel full for longer
See also
Gastric Ballooning | Benefits and Care after Balloon Operation

Steps to Perform Balloon in Antalya

To answer the question “how is gastric balloon performed in Antalya” we should say that gastric balloon is performed using an endoscope and is one of the outpatient surgical procedures. In Antalya, the gastric balloon is inserted in the right place into the stomach through an endoscope has a small camera by a gastroenterologist.

In the next step, the balloon is filled with safe liquids. Placing the balloon in the stomach takes about half an hour. The patient can easily return home after placing the balloon in the stomach. The deflated balloon occupies part of the stomach volume and will remain inside the stomach for a certain period of time. A person loses weight due to a lack of appetite and reduced food intake.

Recently, balloons have been produced that are like a capsule and they are also used and performed in Antalya. A person who wants to use a balloon has to swallow a capsule with one end connected to a narrow tube. When the balloon capsule goes down and is placed in its place, which is the upper part of the stomach, gas enters the balloon through the tube connected to the capsule.

The balloon is filled with gas and then the tube is separated from the capsule and taken out. This type of operation does not need any relaxation. In this case, up to 3 balloons can be placed in the stomach. With this process, you can experience easier weight loss during a 12-week period. After this time, the capsules are removed from the stomach with an endoscope.

gastric balloon performed in Antalya

Medgol: Medical Tourist Assistant to Perform Gastric Balloon in Antalya

There are different ways to lose weight, and slimming surgery is considered one of the most appropriate methods. Although balloon placement in the stomach is not considered an invasive and surgical method for weight loss, it is included in the group of weight loss procedures, because in this method the capacity of the stomach will change.

So far, you know how gastric balloon is performed in Antalya and how to travel to Turkey. If you decide to slim down your body by using a gastric balloon, Medgol medical tourism services will help you to find the best specialist doctors while staying in Antalya and perform the gastric balloon operation with their help.

See also
The Gastric Balloon | Does Balloon Insertion Help To Lose Weight?

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